Approval of Business Licenses

Business License for factory/workshop or trade premises U/S 330, 331, 335, 336 Of Haryana Municipal Corporation act 1994

Business License or trade premises U/S 128 Of Haryana Municipal (Dangerous and offensive Trades) Bye-laws, 1982

Basic Information:

Section 330 : Factory, etc. not to be established without permission of Commissioner.

1) No person shall, without the previous permission in writing of the Commissioner, establish in any premises, or materially alter, enlarge or extend , any factory, workshop or trade premises, in which it is intended to employ steam, electricity, water or other mechanical power.

2) The Commissioner may refuse to give such permission, if he is of the opinion that the establishment, alteration, enlargement or extension of such factory, workshop or trade premises, in the proposed position would be objectionable by reason of the density of the population in the neighborhood thereof, or would be a nuisance to the inhabitants of the neighborhood.

Section 331: Premises not be used for certain purposes without license..

1) No person shall use or permit to be used any premises for any of the following purposes without or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of a licence granted by the Commissioner in this behalf, namely:-

(a) any of the purposes specified in PART – I of the Second Schedule;

(b) any purpose which is, in the opinion of the Commissioner; dangerous to life, health or property or likely or create a nuisance;

(c) Keeping horses, cattle or other quadruped animals or birds for transportation, sale or hire or for sale of the produce thereof; or

(d) Storing any of the articles specified in Part – II of the Second Schedule except for domestic use of those articles:

Provided that Corporation may declare that premises in which the aggregate quantity of articles stored for sale does not exceed such quantity as may be prescribed by bye-laws in respect of any such articles, shall be exempted from the operation of clause (d).

(2) In prescribing the terms of a license granted under this section for the use of premises as mills or iron yards or for similar purposes the Commissioner may, when he thinks fit, require the license to provide a space or passage within the premises for carts for loading and unloading purposes.

(3) The Corporation shall fix a scale of fees to be paid in respect of premises licensed under sub-section (1):

Section 336: Licensing and control of theater, circuses and places of public amusement.

No person shall without or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of a license granted by the Commissioner in this behalf, keep open any theater, circus, cinema house, dancing hall or other similar place of public resort, recreation or amusement:

Provide that nothing in this section apply to private performances in any such place.

Section 128: Dangerous and Offensive Trades Bye-Laws,1982

A Licence, under section 128 of the Haryana Municipal Act,1973, for premises to be used for any of the purpose mentioned in sub-section (1) of that section may be granted by the committee, on the application of the owner or occupier of such premises, and shall be issued by an officer, appointed by the committee, in form A appended to these bye-laws on payment of fees specified in the schedule to these bye-laws and in other case as may be approved by Deputy Commissioner under sub-section(3) of section 128 and on the conditions detailed by bye-laws 6 :

Provided that license fee for each such trade or different types of business carried on in one place and listed in the serial number in the schedule to these bye-laws shall require separate license for cash serial number excepting those serial numbers in which it is indicated otherwise.

Fee Details - Municipal Corporation have the power to levy the fee for the licensing.

Fee Details - Business License or trade premises U/S 128 Of Haryana Municipal (Dangerous and offensive Trades)

How to Apply – Any person who is intending to apply for business license can apply online.

Please click here

Click here to Apply U/S 330 Click here to Apply U/S 331
Click here to Apply U/S 335 Click here to Apply U/S 336
Click here to Apply U/S 128

Time Period – Time period for the granting new license is 15 days where as for renewal it is 12 days as per Right to Service Act, 2014.

Grievance – In case, the license is not granted or renewed as per time period given above citizen can file appeal to the first appellate authority Executive officer/ Deputy Municipal Commissioner of concerned Corporation where as Second appellate authority is Joint Commissioner of the concerned Municipal Corporation to Govt. Haryana Urban Local Bodies Department as per Haryana Right to Service act, 2014

Submit the below mentioned documents.

Documents Required:

S No Document Description Manual / Attachment Mandatory / Optional Type Of Soft Copy Remarks
1 Rent/Lease/agreement/Ownership proof Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format.
2 Identification Documents Proof Attachment mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format.