Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP)

IHSDP revised guidelines 2009

Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) was launched by GoI by merging the schemes of National Slum Development Programme (NSDP) and Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY). The objective of the scheme is to provide adequate Shelter and basic infrastructure facilities to the Slum Dwellers in Urban Areas. The scheme of IHSDP is funded in the ratio of 80:20 by the Govt. of India and State Govt. As per guidelines of the scheme, the States/UTs may avail the central assistance for improvement/ upgradation/ relocation projects including upgradation/new construction of houses and infrastructural facilities like water supply, sewerage, storm water drains, community bath, paving of lanes, street lights, community Toilet etc. As per scheme guidelines, the beneficiary is also required to make a nominal contribution (General Category @ 12% and SC @10%) for the construction/upgradation of house. The Ceiling cost of dwelling unit was Rs.80,000/- prior to 2008-09. The Govt. of India modified the guidelines in 2008-09 and cost of ceiling has been enhanced to Rs.1,00,000/- per dwelling unit.

After above cancellation/curtailment and diversion, there will 23 approved IHSDP projects with total financial outlay of Rs. 242.77 Crore, out of which Central Share would be Rs. 189.07 Crore. The GOI released Rs. 188.96 crore to the State Govt. The State Govt. also released Rs. 229.23 crore to SLNA. Upto 31-01-2015, an amount of Rs. 232.04 crore has been released to DUDAs/ ULBs and DUDAs/ULB by utilizing Rs.175.12 crore has completed 9526 dwelling units, construction work for 801 dwelling units is in progress. The work for providing infrastructure facilities to the slum dwellers was also in progress.

IHSDP revised guidelines 2009