Scheme for compensation of loss

Scheme for compensation of loss of commercial property of Small Shopkeepers, Rehriwalas, Khokha/ Kiosk owners because of fire, electrical hazards, floods, earthquakes or natural disaster.

It has been observed that small shop owners, rehriwalas, fadiwalas and khokha / kiosk owners do not have capital investment to restart their business after loss or damage caused due to fire, electrical hazards, flood and other natural calamities. They often do not have insurance cover on account of ignorance, lack of interest or lack of financial resources cover on account of ignorance premium. These result in loss of livehood once their business is affected due to accidents for giving assistance to the needy and eligible persons who suffer loss of commercial property due to loss or damage caused on account of fire, floods, electrical hazards, natural calamities have been proposed. Accordingly, State Government has launched new scheme for compensation of loss of commercial property of small shopkeepers, Rehriwalas, Fadiwalas, Khokha/Kiosk owners because of fire, electrical hazards, floods, earthquakes or natural disaster During the current financial year 2014-15, a budget provision of Rs. 10.00 crore has been made under the scheme, but in view of expenditure of 1.02 crore upto 31-12-2014, an amount of Rs. 10.00 crore is approved in revised budget 2014-15. Further, an amount of Rs.10.00 crore is approved for next FY 2015-16.