Urban Infrastructure Development in Satellite Towns (UIDSST)

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Two projects namely; Municipal Solid Waste Management Scheme and Augmentation of Water Supply by Ranney well for Sonepat, Haryana were sanctioned under the Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme in satellite towns (UIDSST) by GOI. The financing pattern of UIDSST is Central: State: ULB :: 80:10:10. The Ministry of Finance, GOI had also released funds amounting to Rs. 46.73 crore as Central Share for the above mentioned two projects. The details of funds released to MC, Sonepat including the State Share upto 15.02.2015 are given as under:-

(Rs. in crore)

Sr. No Project Approved Cost Central Share (80%) Amount released by GoI Amount released by State Total released (31.12.14) Remarks
1 Solid Waste Management (135 TPD) 24.96 19.97 4.99 0.63 5.62 Land measuring 124 kanal, 17 marla of village Panchayat Murthal has been purchased by MC, Sonepat .
2 Augmentation of Water Supply through Ranney Wells 69.59 55.66 41.74 8.80 50.58 Rs. 54.29 crore utilized. Work is in progress. Likely to be completed by December, 2014.
Total: 94.54 75.63 46.73 9.43 56.20