Haryana Urban Infrastructure Development Board

HUIDB Constitution Notification

Haryana Urban Infrastructural Development Board (HUIDB) was constituted by the Government on 02.04.2002 with a view to raise resources for making provision for & upgradation of Urban Infrastructure; upgradation & modernization of Town Planning & developing its implementation techniques; training facilities in Urban Management and Human Resources Development of Municipalities. The Seminars, Workshops and Conferences on Urban Management, Coordinating, Planning and implementing the approved schemes/projects of the municipalities or such other purposes as approved by the Board can also be organized by HUIDB.

The constitution of the Board as under:

Sr. No. Designation Membership
1. Minister, Urban Local Bodies Department Chairman
2. Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Urban Local Bodies Department Vice Chairman
3. Director, Urban Local Bodies Department Chief Administrator
4. Additional Director, Urban Local Bodies Department. Secretary

Ex-officio Members of the Board:

1. Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department.
2. Principal Secretary to Government Haryana, Town & Country Planning Department.
3. Chief Administrator, Haryana Urban Development Authority (Now HSVP).
4. Chief Administrator, Housing Board, Haryana.
5. Project Director, Swarn Jayanti Shehri Rojgar Yojna and State Urban Development Society.
6. Engineer-in-Chief, Public Health & Engineering Department (PHED).
7. Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department (B&R).
8. Chief Town Planner, Urban Local Bodies Department.
9. Chief Engineer, Urban Local Bodies Department.

Further, the Board may associate any person whose assistance or advice may be required for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

Objective Of the Board :

Upgradation and modernization of Town Planning and its implementation techniques; Training facilities in urban Management and Human resources Development of Municipalities and Urban Development Department by organizing seminars, workshops and conferences on urban management; coordinating, planning and implementing the approved schemes/projects of the municipalities.
The Haryana Urban Infrastructural Development Board has also been declared nodal agency for implementation of AMRUT scheme and Smart Cities.