Branches And Their Functions
The broad functions of the Directorate of Urban Local Bodies Department, Haryana are as given under :
1. To provide the policy framework for the Urban Development in the State of Haryana.
2. To facilitate the working of the Urban Local Bodies in the State.
3. To maintain the civic amenities in the State.
Various Functions and Duties performed by these wings
Administrative Wing
Headed by: Joint Director II
1. Establishment of Headquarter and field level Municipal Employees.
2. Submission of report of the SC/BC Welfare Committee.
3. Preparation of Administrative Report of the Department and Submission to Government in the prescribed time frame.
Establishment Wing
Headed by: Joint Director II
1. Establishment/ Complaints/ Enquiries of State Level Employees i.e. Executive Officers, Secretaries, Municipal Engineers, Junior Engineers, Chief Sanitary Inspectors, Accountants and Superintendents.
2. Appointments of Municipal Employees under Ex-gratia, demand of Municipal Employees and strike matters, various training matters of Municipal Employees and creation/ upgradation of posts of the Municipalities.
3. Amendments in Municipal Service Rules.
4. Imposition of taxes for the Municipalities.
5. Encroachment / Unauthorized Construction of Municipal Lands.
6. Lease, Sale and renting of Municipal properties.
Accounts & Pension Wing
Headed by: Joint Director (Admin)
1. Salaries and Other drawns from treasury
2. Pension cases of municipal employees.
Budget Wing
Headed by: Joint Director (Admin)
1. Monitoring of Income and expenditure of MCs.
2. Budget of MCs, release for grants.
3. Sanction for purchase of vehicles (Car, tractor, refuse collectors etc) for MCs.
4. Loans and advances, audit inspections and audit paras of CAG.
5. Monitoring and reviewing of recoveries of all type of taxes and audit fees .
Town Planning Wing
Headed by: Chief Town Planner
1. Permission of Shopping Malls, Multiplexes, conversion of existing Cinemas into Multiplex.
2. Levying of Security fees, Licence fees, Conversion charges, Development charges/EDC and Infrastructure Development charges.
3. NCR matters of municipalities falling in NCR region.
4. TP Schemes and Improvement Trusts Schemes.
5. Regularization of unauthorized colonies in the Municipal limits.
6. Approval of commercial building plans under old Municipal Corporation/ Council/ Committee limit.
7. Constitution of Metropolitan Planning Committee and District Planning Committee.
Engineering Wing
Headed by: Chief Engineer
1. To arrange funds from Government of India, State Government and other Financial institutions for development of infrastructure and civic amenities of ULB's under different schemes.
2. Implementation and coordination of various projects under different schemes such as JNNURM, UIDSSMT, NIUS, BSUP, UIDSSMT and IHSDP etc.
3. To arrange administrative approval and technical sanction of estimates for various development works in all Urban Local Bodies.
4. Formulation, Implementation, Monitoring and Review of various SWM project.
5. Monitoring of development works of ULBs.
6. Monitoring of CM announcements.
7. To devise Guidelines, Procedures and Framework for Creation and Maintenance of various Civic Amenities in Urban Local Bodies
8. To provide Guidelines for taking appropriate actions and precautionary measures for having proper sanitation in all ULBs.
9. To implement the execution of projects under PPP Mode in various ULBs.
10.  Monitoring and Review of implementation of low cost housing and sanitation under various schemes.
Election Wing
Headed by: Joint Director (Admin)
1. Constitution, classification & abolition of Municipalities.
2. Extension/ exclusion of Municipal limits.
3. Fixation/ recreation of seats.
4. Delimitation of wards of MCs.
5. Election of President/ Vice Presidents.
6. Suspension/ removal of President/ Vice Presidents and members.
7. Registration of Births & Deaths.
8. Registration for proper control of Dogs.
9. All other miscellaneous works.
Municipal Assets and Land Management Cell
Headed by: CTP-II
1. Creation of land bank
2. Lease/Sale/License of the municipal land Management
3. Maintain land records(including title deeds,maps and usage rights)
4. Maintenance of Fixed Asset Register
5. Monetization of land assets
6. Implementation of land policies
7. Reply and review of court cases and action taken on court directions
Revenue & Taxation
Headed by: CTP-II
1. Bill generation & distribution(digital/physical)
2. Collection and recovery
3. Tax Assessment including property tax every year
4. Updation of the list of the demand registers/property list
5. Conduct GIS based property survey
6. Levy of penalty in case of non-recovery of taxes
7. Claims & Objections and their resolutions
IT Cell
Headed by: General Manager
1. Implementing and maintaining digital governance initiatives, including e-government and digital transformation projects
2. Assess the requirements for various IT services in the Department and plan software development and implementation strategies in coordination with various branches
3. Take initiatives for Designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications to support the department's operations
4. Developing and maintaining GIS data and applications to support spatial analysis and decision-making
5. Plan strategic upgrade/procurement of IT infrastructure
6. Maintenance and upkeep of IT infrastructure and network administration
7. Ensure Security of the IT applications
8. Providing support to citizens and technical assistance to department employees