Headed by: Joint Director II |
1. |
Establishment of Headquarter and field level Municipal Employees. |
2. |
Submission of report of the SC/BC Welfare Committee. |
3. |
Preparation of Administrative Report of the Department and Submission to Government in the prescribed time frame. |
Headed by: Joint Director II |
1. |
Establishment/ Complaints/ Enquiries of State Level Employees i.e. Executive Officers, Secretaries, Municipal Engineers, Junior Engineers, Chief Sanitary Inspectors, Accountants and Superintendents. |
2. |
Appointments of Municipal Employees under Ex-gratia, demand of Municipal Employees and strike matters, various training matters of Municipal Employees and creation/ upgradation of posts of the Municipalities. |
3. |
Amendments in Municipal Service Rules. |
4. |
Imposition of taxes for the Municipalities. |
5. |
Encroachment / Unauthorized Construction of Municipal Lands. |
6. |
Lease, Sale and renting of Municipal properties. |
Headed by: Joint Director (Admin) |
1. |
Salaries and Other drawns from treasury |
2. |
Pension cases of municipal employees. |
Headed by: Joint Director (Admin) |
1. |
Monitoring of Income and expenditure of MCs. |
2. |
Budget of MCs, release for grants. |
3. |
Sanction for purchase of vehicles (Car, tractor, refuse collectors etc) for MCs. |
4. |
Loans and advances, audit inspections and audit paras of CAG. |
5. |
Monitoring and reviewing of recoveries of all type of taxes and audit fees . |
Headed by: Chief Town Planner |
1. |
Permission of Shopping Malls, Multiplexes, conversion of existing Cinemas into Multiplex. |
2. |
Levying of Security fees, Licence fees, Conversion charges, Development charges/EDC and Infrastructure Development charges. |
3. |
NCR matters of municipalities falling in NCR region. |
4. |
TP Schemes and Improvement Trusts Schemes. |
5. |
Regularization of unauthorized colonies in the Municipal limits. |
6. |
Approval of commercial building plans under old Municipal Corporation/ Council/ Committee limit. |
7. |
Constitution of Metropolitan Planning Committee and District Planning Committee. |
Headed by: Chief Engineer |
1. |
To arrange funds from Government of India, State Government and other Financial institutions for development of infrastructure and civic amenities of ULB's under different schemes. |
2. |
Implementation and coordination of various projects under different schemes such as JNNURM, UIDSSMT, NIUS, BSUP, UIDSSMT and IHSDP etc. |
3. |
To arrange administrative approval and technical sanction of estimates for various development works in all Urban Local Bodies. |
4. |
Formulation, Implementation, Monitoring and Review of various SWM project. |
5. |
Monitoring of development works of ULBs. |
6. |
Monitoring of CM announcements. |
7. |
To devise Guidelines, Procedures and Framework for Creation and Maintenance of various Civic Amenities in Urban Local Bodies |
8. |
To provide Guidelines for taking appropriate actions and precautionary measures for having proper sanitation in all ULBs. |
9. |
To implement the execution of projects under PPP Mode in various ULBs. |
10. |
Monitoring and Review of implementation of low cost housing and sanitation under various schemes. |
Headed by: Joint Director (Admin) |
1. |
Constitution, classification & abolition of Municipalities. |
2. |
Extension/ exclusion of Municipal limits. |
3. |
Fixation/ recreation of seats. |
4. |
Delimitation of wards of MCs. |
5. |
Election of President/ Vice Presidents. |
6. |
Suspension/ removal of President/ Vice Presidents and members. |
7. |
Registration of Births & Deaths. |
8. |
Registration for proper control of Dogs. |
9. |
All other miscellaneous works. |
Headed by: CTP-II |
1. |
Creation of land bank |
2. |
Lease/Sale/License of the municipal land Management |
3. |
Maintain land records(including title deeds,maps and usage rights) |
4. |
Maintenance of Fixed Asset Register |
5. |
Monetization of land assets |
6. |
Implementation of land policies |
7. |
Reply and review of court cases and action taken on court directions |
Headed by: CTP-II |
1. |
Bill generation & distribution(digital/physical) |
2. |
Collection and recovery |
3. |
Tax Assessment including property tax every year |
4. |
Updation of the list of the demand registers/property list |
5. |
Conduct GIS based property survey |
6. |
Levy of penalty in case of non-recovery of taxes |
7. |
Claims & Objections and their resolutions |
Headed by: General Manager |
1. |
Implementing and maintaining digital governance initiatives, including e-government and digital transformation projects |
2. |
Assess the requirements for various IT services in the Department and plan software development and implementation strategies in coordination with various branches |
3. |
Take initiatives for Designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications to support the department's operations |
4. |
Developing and maintaining GIS data and applications to support spatial analysis and decision-making |
5. |
Plan strategic upgrade/procurement of IT infrastructure |
6. |
Maintenance and upkeep of IT infrastructure and network administration |
7. |
Ensure Security of the IT applications |
8. |
Providing support to citizens and technical assistance to department employees |