Approval revision of building plan

Approval revision of building plan

Approval revision of building plan

Haryana Online Building Plan Application System (HOBPAS)

Categories of Building:
1. Low Risk Category: Building with height less them 15 mtr, residential, industrial and commercial upto plot area less than 1000 sqm
2. High Risk Category: Building height more than 15 mtr, all Institute Building and Commercial Buildings having area more than 1000 sqm

All Low Risk Category cases will be Sanction under self-certification, given all the uploaded documents and drawings are in compliance to HBC-2017 and other policies. (i.e. responsibility of Architect & Citizen for any wrong Building Plan Sanctions)

Competent Authorities for granting Permissions:
1. Municipality: All Non-CLU of Low Risk in Old MC Limit; In MCG & MCF upto 5 acres plot size, CLU High risk in core area shall be granted by Commissioner.
2. MC with consent from Government of Haryana: Non-CLU High risk cases in OLD MC Limit
3. Directorate of Urban Local Bodies: All CLU cases (Low & high Risk) + All High risk in Extended MC Limit

Checklist for applicants:

S No Document Description
1 1. Fee & Charges:
a. Scrutiny Fee @ Rs 10/- per sq m of covered area
b. Development Charges (as per prevailing rates, applicable only for Non-CLU cases)
c. Composition Charges (as per composition policy, at the time of Occupation Certificate)
2.Form BR-I and II (refer Haryana Building Code 2017)
3.Building Plans, Sections, Elevation (as demanded by the system software)
4.Ownership documents: Sajra, intakal, jamabandhi, mutation, lease deed etc
5.House Tax /Property Tax receipt
6.Site plan & Site report
7.CLU permission letter (if applicable)
8.NOC required for BPA/OC:
a. Access permission: B&R/NHAI etc
b. Central/State Pollution Control Board
c. Fire Department
d. Airport Authority of India
e. National Monument Authority
f. Water & Sewerage : PHED/MC
g. National Conservation Zone
h. Environment Clearance (as per EIA notification)
j. Any other NOC required as per the site location and other prevailing

Checklist for site verification and application verification:

S No Document Description
1.Check all uploaded documents pertaining to site and owner
2.Check for Violation of section 7 of Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Area Act 1975.
3.Check for violation of any violation of any approved scheme
4.Check for development charges
5.Check site dimension while site inspection
6.Check for water bodies, High Tension Lines, Gas Line, Trench/Mound etc.
7.Check if the site in falling in the MC Limit or core area or Extended Municipal Limit
8.Check for CLU applicable area
9.Availability of underground services : Sewerage connection and water supply
10.Check for width of road in meters
11.Check for Unauthorised Construction
12.House Tax / Property Tax payment
Procedure for granting Building Plan for (Non-CLU Low Risk Category)

Approval / Revision of Building Plan

For Industrial/Commercial cases For Residential and Institutional cases For Department Portal of HOBPAS
Click Here to Apply Through Invest Haryana Portal Click Here Click Here
HOBPAS HELPDESK NUMBERS TCPO Issues +91-93576 35095 (TCPO Helpline Number)
ULB Issues +91-9971128455 (DULB Helpline Number)
HSIIDC Issues +91 93162 35255 (HSIIDC Helpline Number)
HOBPAS User Manual